As an imminent construction project looms over their beloved small-town baseball field, a pair of New England Sunday league teams face off for the last time over the course of a day. Tensions flare up and ceremonial laughs are shared as an era of camaraderie and escapism fades into an uncertain future.
Directors' Fortnight
Cannes Film Festival 2024
“Carson Lund treats the power of a shared interest with profound, elegiac empathy.”
Jake Cole
Slant Magazine
“Eephus has about it a mournful, lightly absurd poetry of the mundane, a rapt attention to the intimacy of transience and the meanings we make from relics and rituals of a time we’re passing through.”
Isaac Feldberg
“Eephus isn’t exactly a baseball movie — it’s something closer to movie-baseball, where characters endlessly jostle back and forth under no real time constraints, watching the day slowly pass them by, simply out of love for the sport.”
Jordan Mintzer
The Hollywood Reporter